The Key to Great Results
You have great people and the resources they need to be productive. Why is it that targets are missed, errors are made, relationships suffer, or good people leave?
Organizations are living systems
They are made of people and processes with complex, interdependent relationships. If one element changes, the entire organization adapts -
sometimes in surprising ways.
Every organization system is designed to achieve exactly the results it gets
System relationships gradually evolve, drifting away from their original intent. Many small changes can occur before we notice them and the counter-
productive results they cause.
If you put good people in a misaligned system, eventually the system wins
People can work against a misaligned system to achieve positive results. However, over time, it's exhausting and unrewarding.
Align the Goals, People, and Processes
Telling people to "Do better!" rarely leads to lasting change.
Instead, realign the system to support your goals. Strategically develop people and processes. This makes positive results almost impossible to prevent.